
Growing up in South Mississippi and South Louisiana, we have an appreciation for water. A large portion of our farm is in low lying areas that are wet 12 months…

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Timber Supply Glut

The Wall Street Journal had a great article a while back on the current southern pine timber glut. When I first read this article, it pretty much described our farm…

Military Career

I thought that I would give a little background on my military career. I enlisted in the Marine Corps in 1998 and started my career as a helicopter engine mechanic.…

Feral Pigs

Is everyone else as sick of feral pigs as me? It is getting more and more attention in the national press where even sports illustrated is doing a story on…

Prescribed Burns

It is burning season in our part of the world. For those of you not familiar with prescribed burning, it is an incredibly useful tool in the South, if done…

Start Here

Hi everyone, this is a little redundant to the “About Us” page but since most people don’t read that section I thought that I would write a little bit about…