Is everyone else as sick of feral pigs as me? It is getting more and more attention in the national press where even sports illustrated is doing a story on the destructive nature of feral pigs and the different ways that states are combating them. My son and I went to Texas last year on a helicopter hog hunt and we eliminated about 30 of them. However, killing them via helicopter, trapping, and hunting isn’t doing much to slow down their population growth. On Shady Pines they are a growing epidemic. We have many more feral pigs than whitetail. During deer season, we were mostly feeding feral pigs vs deer. I set traps year-round and we catch 50-100 each year but that isn’t doing much to slow down their population growth. I’m hoping that a poison will be approved soon but there is a growing battle between farmers who want these pest eradicated and the growing industry that caters to feral pig hunters. I have to spend hours each year on a tractor smoothing out the ruts that they cause. Heres a couple of pics from our game cameras and one that we trapped the other day.