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Hi everyone, this is a little redundant to the “About Us” page but since most people don’t read that section I thought that I would write a little bit about us and what we hope to accomplish with this blog.

First and foremost this will be a blog about our certified tree farm “Shady Pines” in Southwest Mississippi and Southeast Louisiana and what is going on at our farm. However, I am active duty in the Air Force, my wife works full time at a credit union in Biloxi, MS, my son is a full-time student at Louisiana State University, and my daughter is a very active 11-year-old.

Working a full-time job and taking care of a 2500 acres farm keeps us extremely busy!! It really is a little family affair and all of us have to pull our weight.

Our family goal will be to post something at least once a week related to tree farming, life in the military, or our other goal of Financial Independence Retire Early (F.I.R.E).

We hope that you enjoy our blog.